Michael B. Eisen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genomics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics, animal development
Karsten Gronert School of Optometry inflammatory diseases, innate immune responses, lipid mediators, lipidomics, leukocytes, inflammatory resolution, eicosanoids, omega-3 PUFA, Dry Eye, lipxoygenase, cycloooxygenase, resolution pharmacology, neuroprotection, adaptive immunity, glaucoma
Haiyan Huang Dept of Statistics applied statistics, functional genomics, translational bioinformatics, high dimensional and integrative genomic/genetic data analysis, network modeling, hierarchical multi-lable classification
Mohammad Reza Kaazempur Mofrad Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering molecular cell biomechanics, bacterial communities / microbiomes, deep learning for biology and medicine
Elizabeth Purdom Dept of Statistics computational biology, bioinformatics, statistics, data analysis, sequencing, cancer genomics