Jeffrey Bokor Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) nanoscience, electrical engineering, nanoelectronics
Carlos Bustamante Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Physics nanoscience, structural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies, single molecule fluorescence microscopy, DNA-binding molecular motors, the scanning force microscope, prokaryotes
Marvin L. Cohen Dept of Physics nanoscience, semiconductors, nanotechnology, physics, condensed matter physics, new properties of condensed matter systems, superconductivity, applications of BCS theory, superluminal velocities
Alessandra Lanzara Dept of Physics materials science, ultrafast science, quantum materials, sustainable materials, topological phases of matter
Steven Louie Dept of Physics nanoscience, nuclear magnetic resonance, semiconductors, metals, physics, fullerenes, nanotubes, condensed matter theory, surfaces, defects, nanostructure materials, clusters, many-electron effects in solids
Jeffrey Neaton Dept of Physics condensed matter theory, Materials Physics, nanoscience, physical chemistry, Electronic Structure Theory, Transport, Hard-Soft Interfaces, Complex Oxides, renewable energy, energy conversion
Peidong Yang Dept of Chemistry materials chemistry, solid state chemistry, nanoscience, energy science, semiconductor nanowires, Nanophotonics, artificial photosynthesis, electrochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis.