Inclusive Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Science, Work, and the Public Good

Final Report October 2019

Focus Areas Proposed by Working Group:

1. AI and Society:  Exploring the Human Experience, Supporting Civic Life and Advancing Public Good.

2. Collaborative AI Systems, Robots, and Livelihoods

3. AI to Enhance Scientific Discovery

Working Group:

Co-Chair: Ken Goldberg, Professor, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Co-Chair: Deirdre Mulligan, Associate Professor, School of Information
Dor Abrahamson, Professor, Graduate School of Education
Joshua Bloom, Professor, Astronomy
Duncan Callaway, Associate Professor, Energy Resources Group, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Edmund Campion, Professor, Music
Cathryn Carson, Professor, History
Nicholas de Monchaux, Professor, Architecture, and Director, Berkeley Center for New Media
Marta Gonzalez, Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning                                                                                      Michael Jordan, Professor, Statistics & Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Sonia Katyal, Professor, Berkeley Law
Zsolt Katona, Associate Professor, Haas School of Business
Brad de Long, Professor, Economics
Massimo Mazzotti, Professor, History, and Director, Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society
Stuart Russell, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Philip Stark, Professor, Statistics

Development Professional: Jasmine Payne, College of Engineering
Staff Lead: Tiff Dressen, Vice Chancellor for Research Office