Jocelyne Guilbault Dept of Music power relations, global industrialization, labor practices, and work ethics in Caribbean popular musics, diaspora, cultural entrepreneurship
Jeffrey Knapp Dept of English English literature, Shakespeare, English renaissance, Spenser, drama, theater, American film history, film theory and production, critical theory, imperialism, nationalism, mass entertainment, authorship
Karin Sanders Dept of Scandinavian Danish literature, 19th and 20th Century Scandinavian literature, literary history, gender and literature, word and image, archaeology in literature and visual art, death and the arts, ecology and Ice Art.
Sarah E. Vaughn Dept of Anthropology anthropology, Science and Technology studies, environment, Expertise, climate change, historicism, theories of liberalism, Caribbean/Latin America
Winnie Wong Dept of Rhetoric art and law; modern and contemporary art; Chinese art; Qing empire; Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta