Center for Effective Global Action

CEGA is a multidisciplinary research center at UC Berkeley addressing international development challenges through impact evaluation and economic analysis. The Center's mission is to improve development outcomes by designing and rigorously testing strategies for poverty alleviation in low- and middle-income countries. CEGA also seeks to bridge the gap between scientific research and social action, by equipping policy-makers and donors with the knowledge needed to improve development practice. In addition, the Center trains developing country researchers in the latest evaluation methods, to promote sustainable advances in social science and policy-making.

Staff contact
Mailing address

University Hall, #714C
2199 Addison Street
Berkeley, CA 94720

In News

COVID-19 shows fraying U.S. safety net, Berkeley scholars say

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented levels of unemployment and economic uncertainty, and despite strong government efforts to address human needs, continued support and bold policy are essential for the months ahead, top scholars said during a recent event at UC Berkeley.