Terner Center for Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley

The Terner Center formulates bold strategies to house families from all walks of life in vibrant, sustainable, and affordable homes and communities.

Established in 2015, the Terner Center has quickly become a leading voice in identifying, developing, and advancing innovative public and private sector solutions to the nation’s most intractable housing challenges.

Their work provides timely analysis and data-driven research to support policy and innovation for policymakers, practitioners, and advocates in addressing with urgency the multiple, layered crises of housing affordability, entrenched inequities, and climate change. The Terner Center aims to provide actionable, pragmatic paths that are based in evidence and can bring together a coalition to make change.

The Center is named after Don Terner, a housing pioneer whose ambitious “no limits” spirit lives on in the ethos and approach to our work. Learn more about Don Terner’s legacy here.


Terner Center logo

Staff contact
Mailing address

490 43rd Street #15

Oakland, CA 94609

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