Research Expertise and Interest
health economics, global health, economic demography
Research Description
William Dow is a Professor of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health, as well as Professor in the Department of Demography. His research analyzes economic aspects of health insurance, health behaviors, and health and demographic outcomes.
In the News
Increasing minimum wage, tax credits could stop over 1,200 suicides a year, paper finds
Increasing the minimum wage and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers may prevent more than 1,200 suicides each year, according to a new working paper by a team of UC Berkeley researchers.
Research initiative launched on health in working families
A new research hub based at UC Berkeley’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in Washington, D.C., will explore the health effects of income and workplace policies.
Cash rewards and counseling could help prevent STIs in rural Africa
Giving out cash can be an effective tool in combating sexually transmitted infections in rural Africa, according to a study which found that people who were offered $60 over 12 months to stay free of STIs had a 25 percent lower prevalence of infections.
Featured in the Media
Please note: The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or positions of UC Berkeley.
August 12, 2020
If California had stockpiled enough masks and other protective equipment, at least 15,800 essential workers would not have contracted COVID-19, and the state would have saved $93 million weekly on unemployment claims, according to a UC Berkeley Labor Center report issued this week. "It was one shocking number after another as I looked at this," said report co-author William Dow, a professor of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley. "Based on these numbers, we should be building a stockpile for the future."
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April 30, 2019
An analysis of death data from 1999-2015 suggests that raising the minimum wage and earned-income tax credit by 10 percent could prevent about 1,230 suicides -- or "deaths of despair" -- a year in the U.S. The national suicide rate has risen 35 percent since 2000, and the researchers found that the rates fell in states that increased their minimum wage or the tax credit for working class families. "When they implement these policies, suicides fall very quickly," says study co-author Anna Godoey, a labor economist and postdoctoral scholar at the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics at Berkeley's Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. The study was published in the National Bureau of Economic Research. Co-authors included economics professor Michael Reich, chair of the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, public-health professor William Dow, and doctoral public health student Christopher Lowenstein. For more on this, see our story at Berkeley News. Other stories on this topic appeared in Forbes, New York Magazine, and Business Insider UK.
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September 19, 2018
San Francisco's Paid Parental Leave Ordinance, enacted at the beginning of 2017, has led to more of the city's fathers taking "bonding" leave after the birth of a child, according to an analysis led by Interim Public Health Dean William Dow. The researchers found that in the first half of 2017, 28 percent more men took the leave, compared to the first half of 2016; and the increase among women was 6 percent.
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