Bakar Fellow Dr. Michael Rape awarded the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science
Dr. Michael Rape, Bakar Fellow and Associate Professor of Cell and Development and Biology at UC Berkeley, was awarded the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science.
He is a leading biochemical researcher helping to unravel the mysteries of the ubiquitin system, which "tags" damaged or bad proteins for destruction, and others for elimination to enable certain processes to occur, and therefore vital to the health of all life-forms.
The diversity and adaptability of ubiquitin makes it an ideal entry point for understanding many diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, with implications for novel drug development.
The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise were established in 2009 to encourage and support young immigrants who have already demonstrated exceptional achievements.
Read more about Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise and the recipients of the 2013 Vilcek prizes.