Research News

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Showing 321 - 336 of 3209 Results
Decorations mark the graves of men and women in Bucha, Ukraine, who were killed by invading Russian troops after the invasion in February 2022
Ukrainian law enforcement officials and NGOs are preparing for war crimes trials — and almost from the start of the war, their efforts to collect evidence have been guided by digital-age legal standards developed under the leadership of the Human Rights Center at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.
headshots of 4 women and 2 men
Six young UC Berkeley faculty members have been selected to receive a 2023 Sloan Research Fellowship, the largest number of fellows this year from any one public university.
Jie Yao in his lab
Jie Yao, a 2022 Heising-Simons Faculty Fellow, is developing new optical materials for use in information technology platforms and devices.
U.S. dollars graphic
A new center will convene top scholars and students across a range of disciplines to conduct high-level research on critical social challenges at the intersection of politics and economics.
a watery field of green rice plants
Biochemists led by Michael Marletta, professor of chemistry and of molecular and cell biology, discovered that the fungus secretes an enzyme that punches holes in the tough outer layer of rice leaves
Grace Gu
The CITRIS principal investigator and assistant professor of mechanical engineering takes inspiration from nature and uses machine learning to create more efficient materials.
Illustration showing scales of justice and a human brain with an orange and yellow background.
In trademark law cases, scientist at UC Berkeley propose using brain scans rather than opinion to assess brand similarity.
aaron streets
Streets discussed why he started the symposium, which aims to increase the diversity and quality of applicant pools for quantitative biological and biomedical sciences faculty roles, and its impact in the San Francisco Bay Area. 
a child care teacher sits between two young children at a tiny indoor table as the children focus on learning materials
The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment (CSCCE) at UC Berkeley has been selected to help lead a major new federal project that will explore how to strengthen the U.S. child care system by improving conditions for its workforce.
collage of 11 headshots
Eleven UC Berkeley faculty members have been elected lifetime fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
yellow flower growing on rock cliff above dry canyon
Researcher Isaac Lichter-Marck is the first to provide evidence to resolve a long-standing evolutionary debate: Did iconic desert plants adapt to arid conditions only after they invaded deserts? Or did they come preadapted to the stresses of desert living?
Felix Fischer in lab
Felix Fischer, a 2022 Heising-Simons Faculty Fellow, uses his organic chemistry background to build materials for next-generation computers, sensors and communications platforms.
a crowd gathers in the dark to protest Nichols killing. signs on cardboard say "this must stop"
Policy reforms in response to previous police killings have not gone far enough, says UC Berkeley African American Studies Professor Nikki Jones.
nighttime at telescope, with galaxy of stars overhead
The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) team reports that it has doubled the sensitivity of the most sensitive radio telescope in the world.
colorful pipes part of an ammonia producing plant
University of California, Berkeley, chemists have taken a big step toward making ammonia production more environmentally friendly.
colorful array of 3D polyhedra, forming a structure like chain mail
Chemists have created a new type of material from interlocking molecules that for the first time allows the synthesis of extensive 2D or 3D structures.