Research News

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Showing 337 - 352 of 3209 Results
Uprooted or broken trees in the Amazon due to intense storms that can cause "windthrow."
A new study connecting extreme thunderstorms and tree deaths suggests the tropics will see more major blowdown events in a warming world.
Ke Yu sitting in lab with instrumentation in the foreground.
Ke Xu, a 2021 Heising-Simons Faculty Fellow, develops new ways to see the tiniest and fastest processes inside living cells. 
ChatGPT screen from Wikimedia
ChatGPT is changing the ways teachers educate students, scientists trust research and journalists report the news. It passed the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam and an exam to receive a business master’s degree.
two women in hair nets and t-shirts stand on either side of a conveyer belt inspecting onions
A new study found that young Black men with no college education earn barely half of what their Asian American and white counterparts make. Latinx, Asian and Black women lag even further.
a pyramid of animals with humans on top next to a circle enclosing silhouettes of animals equally with a human
A new book looks at a false belief that species are uniquely real, and that some species, namely humans, are superior to others.
a mom and young child pick out fruit at an outdoor supermarket
In Berkeley Talks episode 157, Hilary Hoynes, a UC Berkeley professor of economics and of public policy, and Haas Distinguished Chair in Economic Disparities, discusses the emerging research that examines how the social safety net in the United States — a collection of public programs that delivers aid to low-income populations — affects children’s life trajectories.
Man wearing a black shirt with his back to the camera.
For the fourth straight year, UC Berkeley topped the list as the nation’s best public university for startup founders.
A photo shows a 3D-printed model of a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, with a model of the full SARS-CoV-2 virus in the background
A study published today in the journal Nature Communications reveals how a viral toxin produced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus may contribute to severe COVID-19 infections.
Michael Lieberman
Professor Emeritus Michael Lieberman has won the AVS Plazma Prize for scientific and technical contributions to the fields of plasma science and technology.
James Analytis in lab
James Analytis wants to understand the underpinnings of superconductors, which could lead to new kinds of MRI machines or supercomputers.
headshot of Catherine Ceniza Choy
Catherine Ceniza Choy’s "Asian American Histories of the United States" (Beacon, 2022) continues to garner widespread national attention.
Collage of three images: A simulated map of Bolinas, California, with plumes of grey smoke indicating wildfire; a screen capture from a video game showing a car on a road with wildfire ahead; a close-up of a board game, with the playing surface showing a map of Bolinas and cardboard tokens indicating vehicles and wildfire.
With $2.5 million from the National Science Foundation, an interdisciplinary, multicampus University of California research team is partnering with agencies and community organizations in the Bay Area to help residents respond to natural disasters more quickly — and more safely.
smog shown handing over freeway traffic
The 1972 Clean Air Act has driven spectacular decreases in pollution from U.S. passenger vehicles but poses a challenge for pollution policy in poor communities, according to the first comprehensive study of air pollution exhaust standards.
UC Berkeley-affiliated CIRCLES members pose in front of signed I-24 MOTION and CIRCLES banners at the end of testing week. (Photo & Caption Credit: Berkeley News)
CEE Professors Maria Laura Delle Monache and Alexandre M. Bayen discuss their research on the impact of AI-equipped vehicles on traffic jams and fuel consumption.
Girish Pahwa
Girish Pahwa has won the 2022 IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) Early Career Award.
Abrams Kathy
Abrams tracks the efforts of organizers to fight anti-immigrant legislation and tackle related causes, including the ouster of Joe Arpaio.