Tejas Narechania School of Law administrative law, antitrust, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, law and technology, privacy and cybersecurity, telecommunications law, internet technology
Kate O'Neill Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management wastes and the circular economy, global environmental governance, climate change politics, globalization, environmental politics and policy, environmental movements
Dara O'Rourke Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management globalization, sustainability, labor and environmental policy, supply chains, consumers, information-based regulation, environmental justice, sustainability transitions, disruptive innovation
Christine Philliou Dept of History Mediterranean, Modern Greece and Turkey, Middle East, Ottoman Empire political and social history, Turkey and Greece as parts of the post-Ottoman world
Paul Schwartz School of Law privacy, information privacy law, data protection law, law and technology
Anna Stilz Dept of Political Science history of political thought, nationalism, collective agency, migration, environmental and climate justice
Sarah E. Vaughn Dept of Anthropology anthropology, Science and Technology studies, environment, Expertise, climate change, historicism, theories of liberalism, Caribbean/Latin America
Steven Vogel Dept of Political Science political economy or comparative political economy, market governance, regulation, the Japanese model of capitalism, Japanese politics, political science
Biwen Zhang Haas School of Business capital markets, conflicts of interest, financial intermediation, machine learning