Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET)

The Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) is an academic center within UC Berkeley's College of Engineering. Established in 2005, SCET's mission has been to empower innovators to positively change the world by equipping them with skills to innovate, productize, and commercialize technology in the global economy. SCET teaches the latest topics in entrepreneurship and innovation through educational programs, research, and strong industry participation, utilizing its award-winning pedagogy, the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship (BMOE). The BMOE leverages proven startup frameworks, but also emphasizes the importance of building an entrepreneurial mindset, making valuable connections, and learning through an inductive experience. SCET’s Collider Labs hold educational courses, support student startups, and conduct applied research in technical fields relevant to innovation. Recognizing UC Berkeley's unique role as the flagship public university and its charter to promote model citizenship, SCET explicitly instills an ethos of "Pay It Forward" among its students, faculty, and alumni, to promote ethical innovation and ensure  all participants of the program become active mentors to the next generation of student entrepreneurs. SCET has been one of the prime catalysts of Berkeley’s innovation boom, by offering one of the largest educational programs on campus in the innovation and entrepreneurship space and helping to create key infrastructure to support the entire ecosystem such as the development of Berkeley BEGIN, SkyDeck, and the Master of Engineering program.

Staff contact
Mailing address

UC Berkeley SCET
1923 Gridiron Way
CMS 122, MC# 1768
Berkeley, CA 94720-1768

In News

Fired Up for the Future

As another potentially devastating wildfire season begins, California is facing a shortage of wildland firefighters. To meet this challenge, the Marin County Fire Department and UC Berkeley have partnered to form FIRE Foundry (Fire, Innovation, Recruitment and Education), a program that recruits young adults from underrepresented communities for a career in fire service and trains them on cutting-edge firefighting technologies.