Sagehen Creek Field Station

Sagehen Creek Field Station & the Sagehen Experimental Forest are research and teaching facilities of the University of California, Berkeley's Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Berkeley Natural History Museums & the U.C. Natural Reserve System. We are also a member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations. Learn more about Sagehen.
The Field Station was established in 1951 with the signing of a long-term special use permit with the US Forest Service; today, this relationship includes the Tahoe National Forest which manages the land, & the Pacific Southwest Research Station, which created the Sagehen Experimental Forest on Nov. 28, 2005.
Sagehen serves as the hub of a much broader regional network of research areas known as the Central Sierra Field Research Stations. CSFRS is comprised of:

• Sagehen Creek Field Station
• Central Sierra Snow Lab
• Onion Creek Experimental Watershed
• Chickering American Reserve
• North Fork Association Lands
Sagehen is an active monitoring site of the U.S. EPA's National Atmospheric Deposition Program. Sagehen is also an active monitoring site in the U.S. Geological Survey's National Hydrological Benchmark Network since 1953.
Sagehen has over 90 theses and 400 research publications.
See our calendar for abstracts of current and past research and education projects at Sagehen.
Additional information:
Sagehen News:
Sagehen TV:
Instagram: @sagehencreek
Twitter: @sagehencreekFS
There is extensive information about Sagehen in this brochure:
UCNRS also maintains a Sagehen page at: