Institute of International Studies (IIS)

IIS is a multidisciplinary organized research unit (ORU) that represents an interdisciplinary arena of scholarship characterized by the analysis of connective and systemic dynamics in global politics and economics. International studies is primarily concerned with interactions among states and non-state actors across a multitude of arenas—from security and governance to economic and cultural exchange. It includes the study of cross border movements of people, ideas, money, goods, diseases, pollution, information as well as international institutions, international law, and global governance more generally. The Institute’s mission is to support research among faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates that engages issues of global concern. The Institute conceives of its multidisciplinary and international mission across three general activities: supporting research; facilitating dialogue; and coordinating lectures.

Staff contact
Mailing address

215 Moses Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 - 2308