Institute of Governmental Studies

About the Institute

IGS entrance
IGS entrance, Moses Hall

The Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) is an interdisciplinary
organized research unit (ORU) at UC Berkeley. Founded in 1919, IGS and its affiliated centers spearhead and promote research, programs, seminars and colloquia, training, educational activities, and public service in the fields of politics and public policy, with a strong focus on national and California politics. Current IGS research focuses include institutional policy and design, political reform, term limits, campaign finance, redistricting, direct democracy, presidential and gubernatorial politics, representative government, the politics of race and ethnicity, immigration, and globalization.


IGS Mission Statement

2019 fellows
2019 Cal in Sacramento Fellows

Through an active program of research, teaching, and public service, IGS expands understanding of governmental institutions and the political process, builds the intellectual capital and practical skills of the next generation of political teachers and leaders, and informs and invigorates public debate on important issues.

The IGS mission is to conduct and disseminate research on topics related to state and national politics and public policy, with a particular focus on institutional design and reform. IGS serves as the University's primary center for advancing research and public service on applied political science and public policy. IGS serves students, faculty, researchers, and the general public.


Staff contact
Mailing address

109 Moses Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 - 2370

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