Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging

The Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA) was founded in 1993 to promote interdisciplinary research on the economic and demographic aspects of aging at the Berkeley campus and elsewhere.  It is currently supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Aging (5P30AG012839). Founded by Ronald Lee, it is now under the directorship of Will Dow.  CEDA emerged as part of the The Social Sciences Matrix (Matrix). Offices for researchers are next to the Department of Demography, enabling synergies of research strength.

At the central core of CEDA is a group of outstanding formal and mathematical and statistical demographers who apply their skills to a variety of research areas, including biodemography, demographic modeling and forecasting, and intergenerational transfers including fiscal accounting. This central core is enriched by other themes, notably psychological and behavioral economics with applications to economic and health-related behaviors.  There are four major areas of research in CEDA:

  • Mortality Measurement, which includes the Human Mortality Database (HMD:
  • Biodemography of Aging
  • Policy and Behavioral Determinants of Adult Population Health
  • Macro Consequences of Global Aging, which includes the National Transfer Accounts (NTA:
Staff contact
Mailing address

360 Social Sciences Building
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880