Olga Kavvada, lead-author of ES&T article

Olga Kavvada, CEE PhD student, is the lead author of Assessing Location and Scale of Urban Nonpotable Water Reuse Systems for Life-Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions published in Environmental Science and Technology, in November, 2016.
Kavvada's work involves systems-level analysis to improve the usage of energy and water resources under the constraints of climate change.
Co-authors are:
CEE Professor Kara Nelson, whose teaching and research address innovative strategies to increase the sustainability of urban water infrastructure around the world. She leads the engineering research thrust in Reinventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure (ReNUWIt).
CEE Research Engineer Dr. Jennifer Stokes-Draut. Stokes-Draut studies the energy and environmental impacts associated with water and wastewater infrastructure under current and uncertain future conditions.
CEE Professor Arpad Horvath, whose teaching and research involves life-cycle environmental and economic assessment of products, processes, and services to answer important questions about civil infrastructure systems and the built environment.
Dr. William A. Eisenstein leads the policy and implementation research thrust in ReNUWIt.
Dr. Thomas P. Hendrickson is a technical specialist at ICF in San Francisco. He specializes in environmental mitigation and climate adaptation assessments of complex infrastructure systems, with a focus on identifying resilience solutions for water and wastewater systems.