San Francisco Business Times
April 1, 2020
The robotic COVID-19 testing lab that's coalescing on the Berkeley campus under the auspices of molecular and cell biology professor Jennifer Doudna and the campus's Innovative Genomics Institute, aims to provide critically needed COVID-19 coronavirus testing with rapid 12-to-24-hour turnaround. The lab will process samples from the Tang Center, the university's health services facility, and other medical centers around the East Bay. Professor Doudna co-invented the revolutionary gene-editing technology CRISPR-Cas-9. She says: "The expertise in our institute and in our community can address this public health emergency through the kind of coordination we are uniquely capable of." Normally, a lab like this would take months or years to establish, but this team has accomplished the feat in just a couple of weeks. "It's really extraordinary and not something I've ever seen in my career," she says. For more on this, see our press release at Berkeley News. Stories on this topic have appeared in dozens of sources.