Matthew Herper
March 30, 2020
Molecular and cell biology professor Jennifer Doudna, co-inventor of the CRISPR gene editing technology, is leading a team of academic and industry researchers in setting up a testing site for the COVID-19 coronavirus. Using a 2,500-square-foot laboratory, they will serve the Bay Area, processing more than 1,000 samples a day. Later, if the need is there, they hope to be able to process 3,000 a day. "This is a big, big issue here in the U.S.," Professor Doudna says. "We need to ramp up testing very fast. It's been problematic for various reasons. And so we are building and implementing a clinical testing laboratory on the UC Berkeley campus to do exactly that. ... It's unbelievable to see how fast this is coming together and people writing software just overnight to put such a complicated pipeline in place and ensure that it's secure." For more on this, see our press release at Berkeley News. Another story on this topic appeared in Berkeleyside.