Research Expertise and Interest
ideologies and discourses in education, education
Research Description
Zeus Leonardo has published numerous articles and book chapters on critical social thought in education. Among other books, he is the author of Race Frameworks and Edward Said and Education. His articles have appeared in Educational Researcher; Race, Ethnicity, and Education; and Educational Philosophy and Theory. Some of his essays include: "Critical Social Theory and Transformative Knowledge," "The Souls of White Folk," and "The Color of Supremacy."
Professor Leonardo's current research interests involve the study of ideologies and discourses in education with respect to change. Much of his work is interdisciplinary and draws insights from sociology, contemporary philosophy, and cultural studies. In particular, he engages critical theories to inform his analysis of the relationship between schooling and social relations, such as race, class, culture, and gender. His research is informed by the premise that educational knowledge should promote the democratization of schools and society. He is an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Critical Theory Designated Emphasis at UC Berkeley.