Research Expertise and Interest
computer security, applied cryptography
Research Description
Raluca Ada Popa is a Robert E. and Beverly A. Brooks associate professor at UC Berkeley. She is interested in security, systems, and applied cryptography. She co-founded the RISELab and Skylab, whose aim is to build systems that are secure and intelligent. She is also a co-founder of PreVeil and Opaque, two security startups based on her research.
Before joining UC Berkeley, she did a one-year postdoc at ETH Zürich in the System Security group led by Prof. Srdjan Capkun. Before that, she completed her Ph.D. in computer science at MIT, her thesis being about building practical systems that compute on encrypted data. she earned her Masters of Engineering in Computer Science in 2010 and two Bachelors in Computer Science and Mathematics in 2009 from MIT.