Kameshwar Poolla

Research Expertise and Interest

modeling, control, estimation, smart grids, renewable energy, electricity markets, transportation networks, integrated circuit design and manufacturing

Research Description

Kameshwar Poolla is the Cadence Design Systems Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering.  His theoretical research is centered around developing new tools in modeling, control, and estimation problems for complex interconnected systems. He is particularly interested in modeling distributed large scale networked systems with a human behavior component. Examples include energy and transportation networks.  His theoretical work is driven by and applied in two distinct application areas:

Smart Grids: The anticipated deep integration (>33%) of renewable energy sources into the electricity grid presents significant challenges because of the variability of these sources. To realize this ambitious target, we will need a portfolio of technology and market solutions. Kameshwar's research is investigating two broad approaches to to enable this deep integration: coordinated aggregation of distributed resources (ex: storage, demand response, PVs), and novel market mechanisms (ex: intraday markets, sharing economy models, risk-limiting dispatch, incentive and tariff design).

Transportation Networks:  Transportation Network Companies (TNC) such as Uber and Lfyt have disrupted urban mobility. Their business models are under increased regulatory scrutiny. Kameshwar's research is interested in modeling the microeconomics of TNCs under wage regulations, vehicle limits, and penalties for congesting roadways. He is also studying new business models that combine transportation and electricity services in a single peer-tro-peer platform. Finally, he is exploring TNC effects on congestion, parking, and other transportation modalities.


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