Research Expertise and Interest
stochastic systems, service operations, scheduling and load balancing, telecommunications, computer and internet communications
Research Description
Rhonda Righter is the Ron Wolff Professor and past Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley. Her primary research and teaching interests are in the general area of stochastic modeling and optimization, especially as applied to service, manufacturing, telecommunications, and large-scale computing systems. She is an associate editor for Queueing Systems, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Stochastic Models, and the INFORMS Service Science Journal. She has also served on the editorial boards of Management Science, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, the Journal of Scheduling, and Naval Research Logistics. She is the past (founding) Chair of the Applied Probability Society (APS) of INFORMS and is currently Co-Technical Program Committee Chair of ACM SIGMETRICS.
In the News
Through engineering prof, girls meet ‘the science of better’
Rhonda Righter, professor of industrial engineering, is tackling a new assignment: serving as a volunteer role model to 35 middle-school girls.