Research News

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Showing 97 - 112 of 3208 Results
Image of an IV drip
A new Berkeley Public Health study found that a large share of insurer payments for drugs, which are intended to support further research and development, are instead siphoned off by hospitals for their own use.
image of three people standing in front of a poster
In an era of misinformation, new research by three School of Information students and alums will make it easy to determine the authenticity of an audio clip.
Annelise Gill-Wiehl studied the introduction of efficient cookstoves in Tanzania. Here, women gathered to hear about their advantages. Annelise Gill-Wiehl/UC Berkeley
Aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, UC Berkeley researchers compared five methodologies for evaluating the emission reductions of cookstoves in developing countries.
Omar Yaghi, pictured, is the founder of reticular chemistry and a UC Berkeley professor.
The award honors chemistry leaders whose discoveries are shaping the future of the field and humanity.
image of students walking in front of Wheeler Hall
New spring semester course, Brilliance of Berkeley, kicks off allowing students to meet 28 Berkeley luminaries, including three Nobel laureates and several MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" awardees, from a wide range of fields and hear lectures about their research.
whitewashed buildings overlook blue sea with mountains in distance
UC Berkeley researchers discovers evidence for huge underwater eruption 500,000 years ago, part of a still-active volcanic arc in the Aegean.
Grace Geurin-Henley and Gwen Iannone
Berkeley Law students Grace Geurin-Henley and Gwen Iannone, leaders of Berkeley Law's Gun Violence Prevention Project, are helping a nonprofit pursue international impact litigation claims.
black-spotted head of seal moving through blue waters filled with brown kelp
A new UC Berkeley study shows that kelp flourished off the Northwest Coast more than 32 million years ago, long before the appearance of modern groups of marine mammals, sea urchins, birds and bivalves that today call the forests home.
image of a robot hand meeting a human hand from opposite sides
UC Berkeley School of Public Health Professor examines the ethics of innovative technologies like gene editing and artificial intelligence, focusing on its intersection with the use of AI in mental health.
Image showing a view of planet Earth and a comet from space.
UC Berkeley researchers aim to create a fleet of low-cost, autonomous spacecraft propelled by light particles.
A photo-based illustration showing a mound of skulls
Two UC Berkeley authors explore the social power of unsettling images from war and conflict — and the psychic risks they pose to viewers.
image of two people smiling and posing holding an award
An Award for Outstanding Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion was bestowed to the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), a research hub at the University of California, Berkeley that generates evidence decision-makers use to reduce global poverty.
Rows of soft drinks in store aisle
A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley and elsewhere shows that after excise taxes were placed on sugary beverages, purchases declined dramatically and steadily across five American cities.
Stone tablet depicting Saint Nicholas with a scepter, and red and white garments depicting a Catholic bishop.
UC Berkeley professor explains America's deep cultural connection to ancient European customs and traditions with the story of Sinterklaas becoming Santa Claus.
Two chimpanzees near each other while perched on a wooden structure in front of green leaves
UC Berkeley comparative psychologist have found that great apes and chimpanzees can recognize groupmates they haven't seen in over two decades.
Photo of Berkeley graduate student Heather Jackson performing research on metamaterial resonators to be used in the plasma haloscope search for dark matter axions.
UC Berkeley professor and his lab has been awarded $3.7M to continue their quest for the elusive axion, a particle believed to make up dark matter in the universe.