Research News

Learn more about UC Berkeley's researchers and innovators.

Showing 65 - 80 of 3208 Results
image of water flowing through pipe
A lead Berkeley researcher on COEQWAL is exploring ways to distribute California surface water more equitably among agriculture, cities and unincorporated communities, and the environment.
Woman holding microphone speaking on panel with other panelist looking in her direction.
The inaugural UC Berkeley Tech Policy Summit & Awards Ceremony focused on navigating the complex landscape of tech policy and forging a path that fosters innovation while promoting social good.
Schematic illustration of the COF structure, polymers, and nanofibrils
Berkeley researchers are now leveraging both the porosity and molecular weaving to make polymer composites stronger, tougher, and more resistant to fracture.
An informal portrait of Kosar Eftekhari with a medical patch over her right eye
UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center says the victims, most aged 30 and under, suffered partial or full loss of sight in the government crackdown on protests demanding women’s rights.
people on a balcony overlooking view of Berkeley and bay
UC Berkeley Tech Policy Summit drew world-renowned academics, thought leaders, policymakers, industry pioneers, and innovators, to discuss and debate the most pressing issues at the intersection of technology and policy.
UC Berkeley scholars work at the Yaghi Lab.
Using the power of artificial intelligence, Berkeley researchers are developing cutting-edge machine learning technology to stem the planet’s warming and its related impacts.
white plastic digital device showing temperature, humidity and heat index
Berkeley researcher points out that the way most government agencies calculate the heat index is inaccurate when dealing with the temperature and humidity extremes we're seeing today.
Water flows through a series of concrete channels that zig-zag across a dry, grassy mountainside. In the foreground, Two researchers are placing a wood-framed mesh grid into one of the channels to prevent fish from entering the experiment. Snowy mountain peaks rise up in the background.
By the end of the century, drought may reshape California's mountain waterways and the ecosystems that depend on them.
A photo of a wind turbine in between the roofs of two homes.
Research sheds light on the dynamics between renewable energy infrastructure and local property values, providing valuable insights for sustainable and community-friendly energy development.
banks of shiny yellow glass globes covering photomultiplier tubes
The four-ton Eos experiment, built at UC Berkeley, merges two types of neutrino detectors into one.
collage of headshots of 5 people
Five UC Berkeley faculty members have been awarded the 2024 Bakar Prize, which is designed to give a boost to campus innovators as they translate their discoveries into real-world solutions.
Black and white image of Martin Luther King Jr. with his back to the camera, and standing at a church pulpit speaking to a congregation of churchgoers sitting on church pews.
Berkeley professor reveals the many ways Black Americans, long before the Civil Rights Movement, navigated the law by asserting their civil rights of property.
full skeleton of a platypus against black background
A six-year project, called openVertebrate (oVert), offered researchers a glimpse of how the data might be used to ask new scientific questions and spur the development of innovative technology.
headshot of man standing in front of building
A new Center for Healthcare Marketplace Innovation aims to shape the future of AI in healthcare through groundbreaking economic research, data partnerships and more.
aerial view of rocky, treeless island withpatches of green and fog bank in background
Seven engineers from the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory helicoptered into the Farallon Islands on an eight-day mission to upgrade one of the lab’s most critical seismic stations.
A dot of an orange sun is visible through thick smoke generated by the Caldor Fire in South Lake Tahoe in 2021. Researchers are studying how smoke from fires like this can cause long-term health effects.
Using a novel series of metrics, researchers found that these communities were exposed to about 1.7 times as much wildfire smoke as would be expected based on their statewide populations.