Research News

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Showing 369 - 384 of 3211 Results
Ken Goldberg headshot
Ken Goldberg and his lab won the Best Systems Paper at the Science and Systems conference, and Best Paper at the IEEE Conference.
forest with lots of green and light brown colored trees
Trees in the West provide ecosystem services for the Pacific fisher, whose population in the southern Sierra Nevada population is endangered.
three young students, masked and socially distanced, await the start of a school day
Institute for Education Sciences has awarded a $3 million grant to a research team to conduct a three-year study of pandemic recovery across 1,000 districts. 
Joe Hellerstein
Joe Hellerstein has won the VIS Test of Time Award for a paper he co-wrote in 2012 titled, “Enterprise Data Analysis and Visualization: An Interview Study.”
Robot dog walks across various types of terrain
Using advances in machine learning, two separate teams have developed approaches to shorten in-the-field training for quadruped robots in record time.
3 women wearing t-shirts saying 'female condom' and 'no condom no sex'
National Institute of Health awarded researchers at the School of Public Health a grant to develop a model to prevent women in Zimbabwe from contracting HIV.
Ellora Derenoncourt
The first annual ACM conference spotlighted work where algorithms and data-driven approaches, alongside social sciences and other fields, can help solve equity and access issues affecting historically disadvantaged and underserved communities.
A professional woman in a suit sits in a conference room and looks directly at the camera
As Jennifer Chatman entered her 40s and gained even more expertise, she noticed something strange: Her student class evaluations started getting worse. 
a jumble of gray blobs are archaea
Only a meter or two below our feet dwells bacteria-like organisms called archaea and fungi mingle with viruses and other non-living bits of DNA or DNA.
photo of Yosemite Valley with Tenaya Canyon in center
Visitors to Yosemite Valley gape in awe at El Capitan and the Half Dome, aware, perhaps vaguely, that rain and glaciers took a long time to sculpt the landscape.
Aaron Streets
Aaron Streets has been named to Popular Science’s Brilliant 10, honoring trailblazing early-career scientists and engineers.
Harriet C.P. Lau
Dr. Harriet C.P. Lau has been awarded a 2022 Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering from the David & Lucile Packard Foundation.
Boubacar Kanté
A research team led by Boubacar Kanté has created a type of laser, accomplishing the ability to emit a single mode of light while keeping the ability to scale up in size and power.
Rachel Morello Frosch
Rachel Morello-Frosch, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, is UC Berkeley's newest member of the National Academy of Medicine.
Edward Lee
Edward Lee is the inaugural recipient of the lifetime achievement award, and was honored for foundational contributions on modeling and design of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems.
 SSPL, Justin Sullivan, and Drew Angerer via Getty Images
A collaboration between Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting, Mother Jones, the UC Berkeley Human Rights Center, and Berkeley Journalism’s Investigative Reporting Program have published a two-part investigation showing a disturbing landscape of birth control disinformation that actively targets women searching for functional contraception options in the United States.