Research Expertise and Interest
magnetic fusion, collisionless shock waves, electromagnetic methods
Research Description
Ellie Tubman is an experimental physicist working on laser-driven fusion and laboratory astrophysics. Her research focuses on investigating the generation of magnetic fields within fusion conditions as well as the production of collisionless shock waves. Alongside these key experiments she is working on the development of diagnostics, including expanding the methods to measure electromagnetic fields.
Ellie completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Sussex. Her masters thesis was working on particle physics, looking for SUSY particles at the ATLAS detector. She then went on to study for a PhD at the University of York, UK. Her thesis was entitled ‘Magnetic field generation in laser-plasma interactions’. After completion of her PhD she took a position at Imperial College London, UK as a research associate working on the MAGPIE pulsed power machine. Her research then led her to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where she collaborated on numerous projects at the NIF and using the Omega laser facility. Prior to coming to UC Berkeley, she was a lecturer at Imperial College London.