Daniel A. Rodríguez Dept of City & Regional Planning transportation planning, transportation policy, environmental planning, healthy cities
Daniel Rokhsar Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genetics and genomics, evolution of animals, genetic diversity in animals and plants
Veronica Aoki Santarosa School of Law banking and financial regulation, law and economics, legal history
AnnaLee Saxenian School of Information innovation, information management, entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley, regional economic development, high skilled immigration, Asian development
Eric Schickler Dept of Political Science American politics, Congress, political parties, public opinion
Thomas Schutzius Dept of Mechanical Engineering nanoscale transport phenomena, micro/nanofabrication techniques, interfacial optical methods, thermodynamic and interfacial modeling
David L. Sedlak Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering fate and transport of and transformation of chemicals in the aquatic environment, water reuse and water recycling, urban water infrastructure, engineered treatment wetlands
Raja Sengupta Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering transportation, wireless communications, inertial navigation for vehicle systems
Carl Shapiro Dept of Economics Haas School of Business anti-trust economics, economics of networks and interconnection, design and use of patents, industrial organization economics
Ikhlaq Sidhu Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research data science, management science, communication networks
Mary Ann Smart Dept of Music opera and politics, music and data, music and language, theater, gender, opera, performance, singers, voice, staging of opera, 19th-century music, 19th-century Italy
Sameer Srivastava Haas School of Business culture, cognition, social networks, social capital, organizational sociology, formal organizations, social influence
Ann Swidler Dept of Sociology religion, culture, Africa, AIDS, political sociology, theory, development, NGOs, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships, social justice research
David Teece Haas School of Business innovation, strategic management, competitive performance of firms in the global marketplace, organization of industry, innovation strategy, technology policy, antitrust policy, intellectual property
Jennifer Urban School of Law intellectual property, privacy, copyright, artists' rights, free expression, notice and takedown, free and open source licensing, defensive patent licensing, DMCA, patent, how technical and policy design affect privacy and other social values
Sarah E. Vaughn Dept of Anthropology anthropology, Science and Technology studies, environment, Expertise, climate change, historicism, theories of liberalism, Caribbean/Latin America
Bryan Wagner Dept of English community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships
Hertha D. Sweet Wong Dept of English American literature, native American literature, autobiography, ethnic American literature
Lisa Wymore Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies dance, Choreography, Multi-Media Performance, Dance Theater
Luyi Yang Haas School of Business service operations, economics of queues, Business Model Innovation, Operations-Marketing Interface, digital marketplace, Sustainable Operations
Candace Yano Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Haas School of Business supply chain management, service systems management, production-quality interface issues, marketing-production interface issues
Lining Yao Dept of Mechanical Engineering sustainable design, morphing material mechanisms, ecology, sustainability