Energy, Climate & Environment

2 people collecting samples at a shoreline

Energy, Climate & Environment

Geobiologist Jillian Banfield investigates how microbial communities respond to a changing climate


Energy is the defining challenge of the 21st century. Leading the way on finding solutions to some of the most important global challenges, UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab are pooling their vast expertise to help achieve an affordable, sustainable and clean supply of global energy.

Faculty and researchers at UC Berkeley and the Berkeley Lab are developing renewable and sustainable energy sources, advancing new technologies to help curb energy demand, understanding the implications for climate change and the environment, and formulating appropriate and timely policy responses.

Many research centers and institutes around the campus focus on specific challenges, such as biofuels research at the Energy Biosciences Institute in a unique public-private partnership; sustainable infrastructures programs at CITRIS, energy efficiency and electric grid programs at CIEE; ecosystem analysis based on vast plant, animal and fossil records at the Berkeley Natural History Museums; or policy-oriented research at the Energy Institute in the Haas School of Business. See below for more information on selected research programs.  The Berkeley Climate Change Network brings together many faculty and researchers for interdisciplinary climate projects.

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Select Programs

green fern leaf

Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry

Aims to bring about a generational transformation toward the design and use of inherently safer chemicals and materials.
Learn more about BCGC
Two field workers outside with climate instrumentation

Berkeley Climate Change Network

Helps to advance climate research, education and impact at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
Learn more about BCCN
bird specimens with identification tags

Berkeley Natural History Museums

Millions of specimens in six campus museums provide a wealth of data allowing researchers to discover how organisms evolve and adapt to their environments.
Learn more about BNHM
rivulet of water flowing through canyon

Berkeley Water Center

A broad network of researchers working to create more resilient, equitable and sustainable water systems with access to safe water for all.
Learn more about BWC
lecture hall from behind showing students backs and a faculty at the front of the hall with overhead screen of diagram

California Institute for Energy and Environment

Leverages cutting-edge research, engages with influential stakeholders, and offers hands-on experiences for the next generation.
Learn more about CIEE
areal picture of containers in shipping yard

Center for Environmental Public Policy

Supports the creation and implementation of public policies aimed at addressing climate change, the key environmental challenge of our time.
Learn more about CEPP
interior of an energy efficient space

Center for Law, Energy and the Environment

Channeling the expertise of the Berkeley Law community into pragmatic, creative policy solutions to critical environmental and energy challenges.
Learn more about CLEE
screenshots of applications built by CBE

Center for the Built Environment

Where researchers improve the performance of buildings by providing timely, unbiased information on building technologies and design and operation techniques.
Learn more about CBE
Man looking at equipment in snowy area

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute

A UC research center focused on creating IT solutions that generate societal and economic benefits for everyone.
Learn more about CITRIS and the Banatao Institute
Inside an excelerator

Energy and Resources Group

Awards MA, MS, PhD, and minor degrees to stu­dents work­ing across dis­ci­plines to cre­ate poten­tially trans­for­ma­tive knowl­edge for the planet and its peo­ple.
Learn more about ERG
A lab environment with metal containers and piping above.

Energy Biosciences Institute

A unique public-private partnership, develops options for the energy and chemical needs of future generations.
Learn more about EBI
Wind turbines in field

Energy Institute

Brings together research and curricular programs on energy business, policy, and technology commercialization.
Learn more about the Energy Institute at Haas
Segmented image of Memorial Stadium via eCognition remote sensing software

Geospatial Innovation Facility

A facility to enhance the understanding of a changing world through the analysis and visualization of spatial data.
Learn more about GIF
Two people sitting at a computer monitor, one is pointing at the screen.

Institute for Transportation Studies

Develops leading-edge innovations influencing movement of people and goods and advancing sustainability, economic health, and quality of life.
Learn more about ITS
Students collecting specimens in a river bed

Natural Reserves of Berkeley

A unique library of protected ecosystems providing opportunities for scientific inquiry and transformative pedagogical experiences for scientists, students, and the public.
Learn more about Berkeley Natural Reserves
External shot of Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley

QB3 Berkeley

Harnesses the quantitative sciences of physics and engineering to unify our understanding of biological systems, from atoms and molecules to cells, tissues, and entire living organisms.
Learn more about QB3 Berkeley
Winding riverways in the foreground with mountains in background

Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory

Focuses on research, development, project implementation, and community out­reach.
Learn more about REAL


Learn about the latest research findings emerging from UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab from leading researchers who are developing solutions to the energy, climate and environmental challenges we face. A collection of short videos offers an unusual opportunity to experience the insights of many prominent scientists and policy-experts.  They provide a synopsis of the state of the planet, a better understanding of the most important challenges, and solutions developed at Berkeley – and implemented globally.