The Philomathia Foundation Symposium at Berkeley: Pathways to a Sustainable Energy Future

EnergySympThe Philomathia Foundation Symposium at Berkeley: Pathways to a Sustainable Energy Future

October 1–2, 2010
9 a.m.–5 p.m. both days (Doors open at 8:30 a.m.)

Berkeley Repertory Theatre



A who's who of UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab energy and climate scientists with leading international experts

Can we emulate the ability of green plants to harness solar energy? Can we create intelligent materials, buildings, and even entire communities that generate their own energy? Can we put a price on greenhouse gases in order to reduce emissions? Can the technology used to produce an inexpensive anti-malaria drug also extract fuel from agricultural waste?

Hear world-renowned experts in solar energy, synthetic biology, climate science, urban design, and other critical areas discuss the best courses of action to achieve a sustainable energy future.

Keynote speakers include:

Ralph Cicerone, President, National Academy of Sciences
Chris Field, Co-chair, IPCC Working Group 2: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
Arun Majumdar, Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy, DOE

Other distinguished presenters include:

Paul Alivisatos, Director, Berkeley Lab, Professor, Chemistry and Materials Science, UC Berkeley
Severin Borenstein, Co-director, Energy Institute at Haas, UC Berkeley
Bill Collins, Head, Climate Science Department, Berkeley Lab
David Culler, Associate Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
Harrison Fraker, Professor, Architecture and Urban Design, UC Berkeley
Inez Fung, Faculty Director, Berkeley Institute of the Environment, UC Berkeley
Dan Kammen, Founding Director, Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, UC Berkeley
Jay Keasling, CEO, Joint BioEnergy Institute, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering, UC Berkeley
Chris Somerville, Director, Energy Biosciences Institute and Philomathia Professor of Alternative Energy, UC Berkeley
Catherine Wolfram, Co-Director, Energy Institute at Haas, UC Berkeley

This symposium was free and open to the public. or 888.UNIV.CAL (888.864.8225)

The Philomathia Foundation is dedicated to improving humankind through support of innovative research, commitment to education, and encouragement of ideas that advance human harmony.

Sponsored by UC Berkeley, Berkeley Lab and BERC.