2012 Philomathia Symposium
October 5, 2012
San Francisco
Where Is the Money? Unlocking Capital for Real Estate Energy Efficiency Improvements
BCLBE and the Haas School of Business, in collaboration with Manatt, Phelps & Phillips and The Philomathia Foundation, will convene a select group of business, academic, policy, finance and technology leaders to discuss how to unlock capital for the financing of energy efficiency improvements for US buildings. The forum will provide a venue for relationship building among market participants and a venue for the exchange of ideas among industry leaders.
All real estate market participants will benefit from improved energy efficiency in US buildings, both commercial and residential. But how can the capital needed to finance these improvements be accessed and deployed to catalyze an energy efficiency market transformation?
A number of impediments challenge the scaled deployment of capital to energy efficiency, including the need for: (1) data and underwriting techniques to include energy considerations in risk and asset management decisions; (2) a liquid secondary market for existing and proposed energy efficiency financing products; and (3) technology innovations to measure and benchmark energy efficiency risk.
Click here for the event summary and additional resources.