Research News

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On the March 27th episode of PBS’s documentary series Nova titled “A.I. Revolution,” correspondent Miles O’Brien visited South Hall to discuss the dangers of deep fakes with Berkeley Professor Hany Farid.
Berkeley professor works to identify potential solutions that can eventually mitigate the effects of cumulative exposure to chemicals and psycho-social stressors.
Daniel Stolper, a 2023 Heising-Simons Faculty Fellow, is analyzing the chemical composition of ancient wood to learn about Earth’s climatic past.
In a new paper, UC Berkeley researchers argue that companies should not be allowed to create advanced AI systems until they can prove they are safe.
An extensive CO2 monitoring network set up around the San Francisco Bay Area by a Berkeley professor has recorded the first evidence that the adoption of electric vehicles is measurably lowering the area's carbon emissions.
Kwabena Bediako, a 2023 Heising-Simons Faculty Fellow, is using his expertise in chemistry and physics to design new magnetic and electronic crystals and new ways of storing energy from renewable sources.
Researchers employing textured surfaces to mimic shark skin to make underwater instruments more effective and environmentally friendly.
Berkeley researchers and scholars aim to teach a new generation of students about individuals and groups left out of history books or misunderstood.
Berkeley Professor sheds light on the historic red market trade of human skeletons from India and the ethics of using them for educational purposes.
New book argues that scientific reasoning is a necessity for living in a world shaped by science and tech
UltraViolet EXplorer (UVEX), led by Caltech and managed by UC Berkeley, aims to map the entire sky with ultraviolet and is expected to launch in 2030.
Berkeley professor explores how drawing and mapping can provide actionable strategies toward an anticolonial, antiracist future.
A lead Berkeley researcher on COEQWAL is exploring ways to distribute California surface water more equitably among agriculture, cities and unincorporated communities, and the environment.
The inaugural UC Berkeley Tech Policy Summit & Awards Ceremony focused on navigating the complex landscape of tech policy and forging a path that fosters innovation while promoting social good.
Berkeley researchers are now leveraging both the porosity and molecular weaving to make polymer composites stronger, tougher, and more resistant to fracture.
UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center says the victims, most aged 30 and under, suffered partial or full loss of sight in the government crackdown on protests demanding women’s rights.