Clausen Center for International Business & Policy

The Clausen Center‘s mission is to promote path-breaking scholarly research, enhance teaching in the area of international economics and finance, and make contributions to the policy dialogue on these issues. The Center’s work s organized into four broad areas: financial globalization, international financial architecture, international trade and development, and international business education.

These areas not only frame central policy, business, and research questions, but also reflect the expertise and interest of Berkeley faculty, including Barry Eichengreen, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Amir Kermani, Ross Levine, Maury Obstfeld, Andres Rodriguez-Clare, Andrew Rose, Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, Gabriel Zucman, and Pierre Olivier Gourinchas among others.

The main activities of the Clausen Center include:

  • Awarding seed grants to Berkeley faculty and PhD students to stimulate research in the Center’s inititatives
  • Hosting visiting scholars in international economics
  • Supporting weekly international seminars and graduate reading groups
  • Underwriting prominent guest lecturers—including Nobel laureate Jean Tirole in 2018
  • Funding doctoral fellowships
  • Supporting academic conferences and student-led business fora
  • Managing a Fellowship that brings two-to three business school graduates per year from China’s main universities to take executive education courses at Berkeley.


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