Berkeley Stem Cell Center
The Berkeley Stem Cell Center supports research and teaching in stem cell biology, engineering, and medicine at UC Berkeley and UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital and Research Center at Oakland. It awards pre- and postdoctoral fellowships to outstanding scientists in training, funded by the NIH, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), and the Siebel Stem Cell Institute, and enriches the campus community by sponsoring seminars, an annual retreat, and the UC Berkeley undergraduate Translational Medicine and Stem Cell Association.
With funding from CIRM and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Center established the Shared Stem Cell Facility in Stanley Hall, and the CIRM Center of Excellence in the Li Ka-Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences. These campus resources are now operated in collaboration with QB3 and the Cancer Research Laboratory, providing a fully equipped laboratory for tissue engineering and analysis, core facilities for flow cytometry, high throughput screening, molecular, cellular and whole animal imaging, and outstanding technical expertise.
The Siebel Stem Cell Institute facilitates stem cell research collaborations between investigators at UC Berkeley and Stanford University and provides funding to bring notable visiting scholars to campus.