Research Expertise and Interest
law reform, criminal procedure, police interrogation, federal prisons
Research Description
Charles Weisselberg joined the Berkeley Law faculty in 1998. He served as the founding director of the Center for Clinical Education, Berkeley Law's in-house clinical program, which he developed and administered from 1998 to 2006. Weisselberg teaches criminal procedure, criminal law, and related courses. Weisselberg’s research focuses primarily on criminal procedure, immigration detention, and clinical legal education. Some of his most recent publications include "Look Forward, Not Back: A Perspective on Defense Lawyering in the United States" in Poor Lawyering: A Comparative View (Hart 2025) (forthcoming), "Saving the People that Congress Forgot: It is Time to Abolish the U.S. Parole Commission and Consider all 'Old Law' Federal Prisoners for Release in the Federal Sentencing Reporter (December 2022) (co-authored); "Shinomiya-sensei's Journey to America and Back" in Prospects for Democratic Justice (Nippon Hyoronsha Publishing, 2022); “On Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean: Judicial Dialogue Between U.S. and European Courts” in EU Defence Rights in Criminal Proceedings (Hart 2022) (forthcoming); “Exporting and Importing Miranda” in the Boston University Law Review (2017); “Against Innocence” in The Integrity of Criminal Process—From Theory to Practice (Hart 2016); “Big Law’s Sixth Amendment: The Rise of Corporate White-Collar Practices in Large U.S. Law Firms” (co-authored) in the Arizona Law Review (2011). Weisselberg is active in legal education groups, bar associations, and criminal justice organizations. He is a past chair of the Association of American Law School's Section on Clinical Legal Education. He has lectured at professional gatherings in the United States and abroad on topics ranging from graduate professional legal education to police interrogation. Weisselberg regularly works with pro bono counsel in trial and appellate cases. Education: B.A., Johns Hopkins University (1979) J.D., University of Chicago (1982)