Joshua Apte School of Public Health Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering air pollution, Atmospheric Aerosol, exposure assessment, risk assessment, environmental justice, environmental engineering, environmental sensors, climate change mitigation, environmental issues in developing countries
Thad Dunning Dept of Political Science political economy, ethnic politics, comparative clientelism in developing countries, research design, causal inference, statistical methods, multi-method research
Ashok Gadgil Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering drinking water, fuel-efficient stoves, indoor air quality, energy efficiency, developing countries, buildings energy efficiency
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas Dept of Economics Haas School of Business economics, exchange rate, lending booms, consumption, capital flows, global imbalances, external adjustment, international prices, international portfolios, financial crises, eurozone crisis
Alan Hubbard School of Public Health causal inference, targeted learning, statistical issues in epidemiology, precision medicine and public health
Jeremy Magruder Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics development economics, agriculture in developing countries, labor markets, social networks in developing countries
Ndola Prata School of Public Health community-base access to care, maternal mortality, population and family planning, safe abortion, adolescent reproductive health in developing countries, postpartum hemorrhage
Gautam Rao Dept of Economics Haas School of Business economics of mental health, developing countries
Vincent H. Resh Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management ecology, water resources, pollution, monitoring, water-borne diseases
Nick Tsivanidis Dept of Economics Haas School of Business urban and regional economics, development economics, applied econometrics
Guo Xu Haas School of Business development economics, political economy, Organizational Economics, economic history